5th Border | "People are made to Talk and not to Scream"

Today, TV was showing once more the faboulus movie "The Green Mile". I couldn't watch the whole movie but I got on a spot that it was said: "Stop it! People are made to talk and not to scream".

I kinda liked this phrase, so as I always do, I did some chemical tests with my brain to prove to myself or not if this phrase is really true.

I thought that we scream when we:
  • are scared
  • want to make someone rapidly change a situation/action
  • feel that we really need attention
  • are pissed/nervous/mad at someone/something
  • when we are so happy that we cannot take it anymore 
 Most of the ange reasons I came across looked negative ones and one tricky. Nevertheless I made myself change thoughts and move to the next channel. There were news (and as news are always sad) they were talking about the financial situation in Greece and the "negative changes" that we are going to face while saying that they are afraid that people will run against government.

At this time I was hearing so loud in my ears the phrase "People are made to talk and not to scream". I felt that all these years that the political situation in Greece (and in every "Greece" around the world) was like that no one was ever there to talk about it. Everybody was keeping mouth shut and maybe contributing in an own way in the same mess.

I am not saying that we should not scream now. I am saying that we should talk on time. As we also say in Greece, what you gonna eat is what you cook.

Nevertheless, let this be a big lesson for all of us, and the rest of the world, because after Greece, another country wil be waiting in this international economical jungle.

Bridge 2 | Grams of Love

Although English come out of my tongue difficultly anymore, I keep it in English…

Some days before I eavesdropped the "discussion" bellow:

Mrs A: Hello Mrs B! How are you?
Mrs B: … (no sound back)
Mrs A: Did you hear me? I asked how you are.
Mrs B: I said well.
Mrs A: Sorry, I didn't hear that.
Mrs B: That is not my problem!

The discussion moved on to almost a fight having the elder Mrs A saying to the younger girl that in this life she is not alone and she has to get along with the people.

I was shocked. Many thoughts crossed my mind. I said that girl is crazy, I though that maybe they were fighting before or that I didn’t hear well.

Finally I came up with the idea that the younger girl should have been reaching this level of reaction after a long time alone. What was that missing?

Everything. Most probably she could have been a person that is not receiving love so remains unable to give some back.

I am definite that all of us need some short of love. Some grams of this feeling. Aren't we? It was said that we live and we die alone. According to me this doesn’t mean that we are alone. This means that we are alone on these specific moments of our lives, not for ever.

The girl B proved out to be a psychologist! This new made think about another concept. What if there was a specific quantity of love that we all needed to receive and give in order to reach the ability of being balanced people? Imagine if we were going to our love doctors and they were telling us. This month you have received unbearably few grams of love or you haven't given the level of the love you should have, it is the time to go out and hug a bunch of people.

Unfortunately life is not always simple as mathematics. So there is only one way, let's try to spread our love to every direction possible. I am not sure we will succeed like that, but it could be a cool attempt.