Selfborder 4 | Procrastination

There are always a lot of reasons to put a leg off the couch and start something, but how many times do I find a million of reasons not to press the button, not to open the book, not to clean my room?

I believe that if procrastination was not existing I would be 10 years older, or at least had 10 years of more experiences!

There are so many times I tried to kill procrastination, but what I understood in the end, was that I was just procrastinating in order to really do what I had to do.

In the end, I find myself trapped in the 6th or 7th level of procastination (procrastinating by re-working on my procrastination again and again) as being the lead actor in Inception.

After all, I am procrastinating even now... Standing next to a dirty room, a closed book, without switching on the radio, buying the things I need from the neibourhood supermarket...

Does anyone feel the same?

That's what I mean...

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