Bridge 5 | Can we drop a border?

Dropping borders ain't that easy. Nevertheless, sometimes, technology doesn't keep us home and creates a home in every city. This came in my life few weeks before and from the moment I learnt it, I became a fun! I got my first surfer and I think I am going to do it again both ways. Couch and Surfing!

It's a website I advice without Parental Advisory suggested. It's success lies on something I call Web 2.0. The change in internet's history that put in front of the camera not some bits but other people. The change that turned people to learn again how to look to each other, eye to eye, even with the use of a screen and a camera. 

Subscribe now, live the moment before the dawn of Web 3.0. As few people claim, that that would be too late.

Links: (The website I joined)  (What is couchsurfing from wikipedia)

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