7th Border | Judge-mentality

I merely can ever keep a balance on how heavy I am. I never can keep the balance on when to stop building on the same joke and I always need another person to keep the balance of who I am and what I am standing for.

This is not a post on acceptance, although I keep in my mind one for the close future.
This is a post about the people in this world that know how to accept and not to criticize.

Leo Buscaglia has said that if every person had in them lives another person to accept everything as reasonable and completely ok would never be in need of a psychologist and could meet balance.

(After all, what are psychologists do? Listen, say yes and nod)

How easy it is to be a person that always accepts?

I guess more than what I can handle. Nevertheless, I am asking from everyone who reads this blog to always remind me when I become judgmental and disapproving... I don't like that.

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