6th Border | Money, Bridge or Border?

In life there are certaiin things that keep as closer to our friends, our past, the experiences we share, the same thoughts, hobbies, things we love etc. I was always thinking that Money are always a bridge to our friends. We use money and we drink a coffee in a funcy place together, we use money and we buy gifts, go on holidays together!

But what does it happen when money become a lifestyle? What does it happen when the gap between money is so big no visual bridge can cover?

When I was younger I was thinking that if I be rιch in the future I would buy a cosy house and a fast car for my family and friends so that we would all be happy? What is that deep in all of us that changed and these ideas never become true? What makes the money as the best gift and why do most of the childish dream we make now are chategorised as "childish"?

Life is also causing to be always in the mood of chategorising, judging and critising according to our ego and with ruler our selves. Money are one of the characteristics that make our lives difficult in order to judge others actions...

How many hotly disputed discussions on buying brands have I participated into? And in the end what? Are we all mean and bad or we just see as far as our brocken eyes can?

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