10th Border | What we never say cause it's private

Have you ever had a discussion that made you feel like the lyrics of Linkin Park song say: "I discovered I was not the only person with those things in mind?"

This post has to do with what we never discuss openly about Sex. I had an exciting discussion lately and understood that no matter if we discuss 24/7 about sex nobody gets to the point.

It seems probable to me that West-Cristiano civilization has created millions of taboos that seem to be a current reality. If we look time from a distance we can see that ethics was unfortunately a matter of religious perception and not a matter of intelligence and thinking.

We consider Human beings as progressed but I think that either we are just unable to think free or we are hypocrites.

A good example could be masturbation.

Who does talk about masturbation with friends?
Who does masturbate?

I never suggested to anyone to go out and tell in public about them private life, but my question is why we never share it with anyone? Why are we ashamed and why do we consider specific things as private?
Try, if you want, to have a chat with a friend of yours openly about your masturbation routines and you will see that pleasure can also be fun. 


  1. Thank you for this post!

    It seems that we love to keep everything private and "suffer" because we are the only ones that think/does that. And this, can cover any subject.

    We have to wake up and understand that if want to be free, this start about having the conversations that we want to have with the people we want to talk. There's no point in keeping things in the closet. How can any of us say we are free if we dont even choose to have the freedom to talk?!

  2. I don't think that we don't feel free to talk, even about sex. And I don't think that the main reason we don't talk openly about sex is religion. Sure, it affects us a lot but sex is something that relates with human relationships, emotions, principles, physical abilities and characteristics.
    Talking about sex is sharing more than a small piece of your thoughts and your experiences. It's sharing most of your life and yourself. So, you choose who is going to be your partner to this conversation, cause you need someone who will understand you an won't hurt you with his/her comments.

    At least that's what I believe about this subject...

  3. Thinking of what you wrote:

    "Talking about sex is sharing more than a small piece of your thoughts and your experiences. It's sharing most of your life and yourself."

    I am thinking, why? Why shouldn't we share ourselves with more than one people? Of course I am not reffering to having sex with many partners - but why shouldn't we be more sharing with the world? Why should if someone wouldn't be finding that partner sharing thoughts and feelings? Why should most of us remain in the silence and dark with questions that never be answered.

    In one discussion I had there were people that didn't know if their genital organs were looking the same like of them friends. Or didn't know differences that their genital organs might have from person to person. What is the bad in sharing that?
