4th Border | Goodbye

I have read a few things in my life but never read or even heard what is the best way to say Goodbye. We are conquering the space and we do not have the appropriate words to say how fucking desperate we feel, how idiot and dull, how destroyed, heart-broken, emotionless, stuck, terrified that we will not possibly see again the same people, kiss the same lips, relax on the same shoulder, cry because we are inspired or motivated by them, feel the touch on the shoulders, taste the same hug in the difficult moment.

It is strange.

If I had the ability to ban a phrase that would be the: "Keep in touch!". NO! I don’t want to keep in touch, I to have you with me, next to me always there but what I have to endure to have you just in me.

I asked myself and my people around me. Is it better to cry for the ones you lose or celebrate for the times you spent with them? For sure the second, but what if I want to cry and celebrate. What if I want to have all the feelings in the same bottle? What if I want shampoo, conditioner, softer and cream in the same bottle?

There are moments that I make the thought I should not connect with people so that I would not feel bad to leave them back. I am loosing myself.

If someone has ever feel strong enough to shape the world I would ask them what about the people we love and they live far from us? What about them? The moment you have to run in order your tears not to be seen bumping burning out of your eyes, you always feel like the weakest existence on earth.

And what if we are? I mean when I feel I can change the world I don’t have proven results that I can do it, when I feel like I cannot bridge the distance path I have all the proofs there.


  1. Every end in life is a new beginning. Follow your path. Regret for the mistakes of the past and leave them behind. Let your sorrow become joy, gradually. Live your life, you won't regret it. Finally, "life is not the amount of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away", so don't be afraid to say GOODBYE!!!!
