1st Border - Unilateralism/One-sided life

Can't forget the words that a father advised to a friend/colleague of mine; "You are becoming a one-sided person in AIESEC, you are working all the time for one thing, and this is bad for your development". I never heard these words directly but they were kept close to my heart. As all the words we don't to listen to because our ego is stronger than our "prudence". Almost one year after and my world is shaking around unilateralism and one-sided people, decisions, lives. Specializations and compendiums, rules and short-mindness make the people around me crash over flexibility.

Flexibility is missing like hell. Years ago someone would be sure that computers would never think us we do, that they would never get this thing we call artificial intelligence. This is a past though. We are coming all the time closer to that. My only fear is that the development in intelligence of the computers is minor to the decrease of capacity for decision making ability of human. We listen all the time; "This person is very spontaneous!", "Don't think with the heart!", "You have to do that! Look how good you are in this!". All these things make us think as computers, so instead of making the computers be like us we become like them. We learn how to plan, with dates, hours, minutes, responsibilities, rows of information, etc., we learn how to prioritise, money, fame, success, work etc., when are we going to learn how to take what we want, sometimes I wonder when?

I feel that if someone comes to me to tell me how can I be successful I can easily design for them a platform or a way to do it (even if I don’t know what success is), but what about happiness? How can we be happy when we don’t know how to be simple? I am also crashing into this.

Maybe now it is the moment when I understand the most the meaning of the words "It is not the destination, but the trip till that". It really is. If we would see it like that we would be for sure more happy.  Because look how this "Destination" attitude works. If I ask someone why they work, the answer is profound, for money. So what we have? We have a one sided part of the day, MONEY. At this time, we don’t care about the people around, we don’t care if we are ok, happy, comfortable. "Now I am working, I don’t have time for bullshiting!". We don’t care about people, now it is time to work. And then the most pervert syndrome is coming. This is the "learn how to divide the personal and the professional matters of your life!". Whoever said that first wish to be burnt in hell (not true).

How can someone split Personal and Professional?
When I am working it is not me, myself, my own person that is working? Who is it? My cousin or my robot? I really need an answer for that. People that are bustards in their job they are also bastards in their lives. If someone is lazy in their work can be cool and funny in the personal life but I can guess that I also get chances to have fun with that person even in the job (not all the lazy people are funny of course).

I want to write here an example of how we become one sided people very easily, and then we believe that whatever is boring, and this makes us lose everything.

...It happened that once I was playing a card game, something like Uno or Agonia in Greek. 4 people playing with cards and the ones on the opposite sides are making teams. If you can find a way to communicate without the opponents understanding you it is very easy to win for "strategic" reasons. So when I was playing that game two of the people of us found in common a language that the rest didn’t know... The rest of the game was 1 sided activity with only target to win. The only fun was coming from moments that everyone were understanding what happening but unfortunately these were too few.

So what is the point?
In everything we do there are some points and some rules and also some goals. It is great to achieve the goals but how much better it is not to lose yourself till achieving them?

1 comment:

  1. very nice!!!

    Who are the people that u were playing with?

