2nd Border | "Don't Be stupid" one

Don't know how many of you have seen the new promo campaign of Diesel  (if you live in Milan even if you are blind I am sure you can find it somewhere written in Brayle - since you see it in the metro, on busses, at the street, on public screans, in your dreams etc.).

The main concept is that it suggest you to follow your heart, feelings, passion etc. It does though by provoking your feelings.

As Diesel says:

"Diesel Stupid Philosophy

Like balloons, we are filled with hopes and dreams. But. Over time a single sentence creeps into our lives. Don’t be stupid. It’s the crusher of possibility. It’s the worlds greatest deflator. The world is full of smart people. Doing all kind of smart things… Thats smart.
Well, we’re with stupid. Stupid is the relentless pursuit of a regret free life. Smart may have the brains…
but stupid has the balls. The smart might recognize things for how they are. The stupid see things for how they could be. Smart critiques. Stupid creates. The fact is if we didnt have stupid thoughts wed have no interesting thoughts at all. Smart may have the plans… but stupid has the stories.
Smart may have the authority but stupid has one hell of a hangover. Its not smart to take risks… Its stupid.
To be stupid is to be brave. The stupid isnt afraid to fail. The stupid know there are worse things than failure… like not even trying.
Smart had one good idea, and that idea was stupid. You can’t outsmart stupid. So don’t even try. Remember only stupid can be truly brilliant.

I found these words so stupid and relevant to our societies like never before (so much that I decided to promote it for free). It is somehow related also to my previous post. We create in our lives all these "SMART" actions and all the "STUPID" ones, so much that we minimise not our passion and will but our limits for creativity and so life.
Coming one step back, when I first saw this campaign I remembered my parents. When I was younger - even now, they have been telling (or sometimes yelling at) me; "Don't be stupid, don't do what we did, be smart! Do what he did and you will get this, you will get the other, you will not need to put so much effort in this way, care about yourself bla bla...". Things that they are also not finding proper, but life sometimes (if not most of them) turns the easy way into proper.
For those interested in the campaign of Diesel click here.


  1. poly wraia ad!
    plus every innovative idea is stupid until it starts to work!

  2. I love that campaign so much, that I sometimes think I could have created it :)))

  3. I don't think that this is the best campaign ever launched. Personally, I prefer being smart AND creative that being stupid and creative. I believe that a lot of people try to convince us that being stupid is the new way of life, something like "Being stupid is trendy". So we, as smart people, we need to think why. The reason may be that in this way we could be easily manipulated. We are young and clever people and it is totally unacceptable to believe sayings like "Stupid have the balls". All in all we ought to read between the lines before we vote for Diesel's campaign.
