3rd Border | Age

Over the past 2-3 months I am playing a online game which, no matter if someone can believe me, has given to me the chance to make one step bridging the gap called "Age".

I decided to write about Age tonight because a person that I highly admire told me that she should have a certain approach to her parents because of their age.

When I read this words on my skype chat, I saw what my favourite writer (not because he was the best writer ever, but because he was writing as if being the best human ever) was meaning while talking about the fact that modern society is categorising the people according to age, by making bigger the generation gap while locking the kids away from the stories of the grandma, closer to the computer, by making age oriented types of entertainment, education and living.

The attitudde of the age is coming not because of the age itself but because the rest of the people treat us as if we belong to a certain category and we let them influence us. How many times do we say these clothes are for people younger than you? How many times do we hear: "Your age demands you being more serious" ?

I tried for a second to think how would our world be different if the Barrier "Age" would not be functioning for a while... How many people would sing louder on the street, sleep at a boring lecture, cry when they want to do, lough loud without caring if they are in a church or a library, how many people would be happier and how many would be more sad?

What about when we treat our family as a group of people of a specific age? What when we share with them what we would share with any other friendly (or not) figure of the same age? I would invite all of us (myself first), to stop putting firstly ourselves in any age format and also try to embrace a little bit more the people of other age groups.

Going back to the game I play, I got there the chance to play in a team of virtual players from the age of 10 till the age of Santa Claus (: and I really find it interesting. Very interesting indeed. Many times I am checking these people faces on Facebook and I am thinking that out of this virtual society 99% we would never had the chance to change a word, isn't that unfair?

The online game is ikariam.gr (available also in many other languages)
My aliance is FAIR
My favourite authur is Leo Buscalia for his book Loving Learning Living

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